Sitemap - 2022 - The Sun's Out
Stop running - there is no finish line
Treading out into the wilderness of uncertainty
A small force yielding a big result
Why do we imagine the worst case scenario that doesn't end up happening?
Why you shouldn't do it all, apart from because you can't
Short term pain for long term gain
Stop - look what's around you first
Always own up to your mistakes.
Looking forward can also be mindful
The power of patient perseverance
"The best way out is always through"
Using tech to make our life easier
Charlie Puth giving me clean teeth
The effective management of wants
Yes, have a go and fail at it.
A tiny human in a massive world
Maybe it’s time to change your glasses
You can't become top of the class
Giving power in return for profit
Fighting the urge of a new shiny toy
I broke my teeth - here's my learnings
Wearing a different set of glasses
Don't fall into the trap of failure
Keep going, you'll thank yourself.
Putting yourself in another person's mind
Remember to be kind to yourself
One of your most valuable resources. And it's free.