Hi everybody. Hope the week gone by has treated you well.
It's been another busy week that's flown past and all of a sudden, the half term is upon us. I think I internally hate it when people say something along those lines: you blink and it's gone. But it's true!
My sporting exploits have had to come to a stop once more as a ball hit right under the knee and right above where my shin pad came up to. Thankfully it's near fully mended.
As you read this, I am coming back from a day out in London, visiting a couple of temples. A gentle final week coming up before the half term. Normally it's a time of respite and relaxation, an opportunity to take stock of the first half term of the year. Alas, the Y11 mocks will have to take precedent and revision will be at its peak.
I've decided to do a highlight of the week type thing here. And this week it will have to be me getting to play my first solo for the school Orchestra on the oboe. I nervously stared at the conductor (who was actually a Y13 having a go) and successfully got through.
There are some times where you just want to do nothing. Absolutely nothing. I had one of those on Thursday. I wasn't able to sit down in one place and get on with my work.
I thought to myself, "What else do I need to get done tonight?" I had some piano practice that I was going to do so I decided to sit down and play, get through the practice I needed.
And it was almost as if someone had cast a spell over me: I was in the zone, fully focused and had a feeling I've not for a long time and it's hard to describe: stable, relaxed and comfortable maybe. But after that, I felt way better and could get on with the homework that needed to be done.
It's ironic that I write about not having motivation after suggesting a way to find motivation last week but we all have those moments when even the simplest job seems like climbing the Alps backwards at double speed. So, for those moments, I suggest: do something that you enjoy, can relish and savour, to distract yourself. Something that will allow you to regain your focus - a walk, a meditation, just sitting still, whatever it is. Take a break and get back at it; I'm sure you'll get your work done, better.
Book of the week 📖
I've finished the “Mindfulness: A Practical Guide to Finding Peace in a Frantic World” book. It was a good read and some points to be taken from it. Not sure what book I want to read next.
Podcast of the week🎙️
If you're into technology and also care about the planet, here you go.
Article of the week📰
Marvel at these spectacles - https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/in-pictures-58720336
Quote of the week💬
“Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishment.” - Jim Rohn
I’ll see you next week.